University Writing Center
COM 2: Reading an Assignment Sheet
Dynamic PDF: Reading an Assignment Sheet
Thoroughly reading and understanding an assignment sheet is perhaps the most important way to ensure success for any project in any course. These documents should outline the expectations, goals, and desired outcomes for an assignment such as how long the paper is supposed to be, what style guidelines must be followed (i.e. MLA), when the paper is due, and whether or not there will be a drafting process with multiple due dates. It may help to think of each assignment sheet as a “cheat sheet” or a blueprint for how to accomplish the project’s goals.
When you get an assignment sheet:
- Actually read it! This may sound simple enough, but take time to carefully review the document. Use a pen or highlighter to make note of important components or due dates. Look for key words and terms.
- Use the rubric if you have one. Assignment sheets often include a rubric, which is an assessment tool your professor will use to note the skills or knowledge being examined in order to grade the You can use the rubric to ensure you have met all expectations.
- Ask questions. If you have read the assignment sheet carefully and still have questions, it is your responsibility to contact the professor to ask for
In order to ensure you have carefully read and understood an assignment sheet, use the assignment sheet guide on the printable version.
Office Phone
(615) 904-8237
Walker Library, Room 362
The Writing Center
Box 70
Middle Tennessee State University
Murfreesboro, TN 37132
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